Vidiot - the Illuminati are the policital side of an organisation (or movement) associated with a man called Mazzini. Mazzini initiated a woman called Blavatsky into Carbonarism. Blavatsky came to lead the religion called Theo Sufism.
Theo Sufism was to take over religion
Illuminati to take over politics
A religious side and a secular side to Mazzini's plan. Incidentally Mazzini also set up the Mafia.
All or most of Watchtower's false doctrines can be traced back to Theo Sufism.
1856 – Blavatsky initiated by Illuminatus Mazzini into Carbonarism, a form of Freemasonry, illumined by the Great White Lodge in 1856. This was part of the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor.
The date may only refer to the establishment of the Great White Lodge.
In the 1870 - Blavatsky went to America and mets a journalist, lawyer and agricultural expert called Henry Steel Olcott. Together they produced a work called Isis Unveiled. The work proved popular and stimulated interested in ancient mysteries.
Blavatsky wrote that all religions were both true in their inner teachings and problematic or imperfect in their external conventional manifestations. Interesting to compare her words with Jesus' (Luke 11:39). If religions were eggs, looks like Blavatsky was intent on cracking all of them and putting them in one bowl.
On the subject of reptilians I don't know anything but in the early days of Wikipedia I found an article on something called Lemurians. The article was quickly removed but it reminded me of pictures I had once seen in a library, in a big book about dinosaurs. The picture was of a dinosaur man, green with cats eye alongside the brontosaurus and tyranosaurus rex etc. The dinosaur man had come from Mars. I rememer thinking 'oh good grief is that their little green man from Mars.' How very Leprechaun.
Incidentally in UK in the churches - if you look up into the ceiling you will see stone carved faces with leaves coming out of the mouths. These are the 'green men'.
And if you want my JW version of life on Mars...welcome to Chelmsford.
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